Assigning DOIs

DOI International Research Journal

DOI (Digital Object Identifier) — is an international standard for digital inforomation in the Internet.

Every article published in Cifra. Engineering will be assigned with a DOI. Also DOI is assigned to all tables, figures and published reviews. DOIs are assigned through RADS.

Why DOI is so important and how it influences the quality of scholarly publications:

  • DOI facilitates citation, search and localization of a scientific publication
  • DOI increases the quality of scholarly journals and indicates the technological advances of a publisher.
  • DOI is an integral part of scientific communication because of its purpose of easier exchange of scientific information.
  • Registration of DOI for data (figures, tables and reviews) increases the visibility of the publication and the probability of citation hundreds of times, since the search in the repositories will be carried out not only by the metadata of articles, but also by the metadata of its individual elements.
  • All the journals included into Scopus, Web of Science and Springer necessarily assign DOIs to their articles.

How to cite an article with DOI according to the GOST 7.0.100-2018:

DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001 of this article

If the source is in Russian:

Alhanova G.K. Postroenie «doma kachestva» dlja slivochnogo masla [Construction of “house of quality” for butter] / G.K. Alhanova, R.V. Zalilov, B.K. Asenova // Mezhdunarodnyj nauchno-issledovatel'skij zhurnal [International Research Journal]. — 2015. — № 7 (38). — Part 1. — P. 6–10. — DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001 [in Russian]

If the source is in English:

Alhanova G.K. Construction of “house of quality” for butter / G.K. Alhanova, R.V. Zalilov, B.K. Asenova // International Research Journal. — 2015. — № 7 (38) — Part 1. — P. 6–10. — DOI: 10.18454/IRJ.2015.0001

How to cite a table/figure with DOI:

How to check a DOI?

The DOI of the data (tables/figures/reviews) could be checked on the DataCite website:

Andy DOI could be checked on IDF DOI website:

Check DOI